Morir Soñando

The beverage called Morir Soñando


Morir Soñando is a beloved beverage from the Dominican Republic, and its name translates to "Die Dreaming." This evocative name speaks to the drink's delightful taste and creamy texture, making it a refreshing treat especially on warm days.


  • Freshly squeezed orange juice
  • Milk (evaporated milk for a richer texture is optional)
  • Sugar (to taste)
  • Vanilla extract (optional)
  • Ice


  1. Ensure both the milk and orange juice are well-chilled to prevent curdling.
  2. In a pitcher or large container, dissolve the sugar in the milk. If using, add the vanilla extract and mix well.
  3. Slowly and gently stir in the orange juice to the milk mixture.
  4. Add ice to glasses.
  5. Pour the mixture over the ice.
  6. Serve immediately and enjoy!